Friday, July 11, 2008

how now, brown cow?

Got talked into dressing up like a cow and carting off to Chick-fil-A for a free meal. At first I was a little skeptical, thinking that my friends were pulling a prank, but then right there on the door was the "dress like me, get free chicken!" cow-sign. Sweet Deal! Too bad I couldn't talk my dear husband into joining us (b/c I had to actually buy his meal).


Hannah said...

Too funny! Wish I'd known before; the kids would probably do anything for free Chick-Fil-A!

Jennifer said...

that's great. i saw the promotion for this online, but i didn't even think of doing it myself. too bad i'm not in austin.

Susanna said...

Holy Cow!...they sooo seriously need to export Chick-Fil-A to ENGLAND! Everyone would love it - and I miss it - and well done YOU for looking all cute and cow-like. Shame on your husband though!

Naomi said...

Aw man! I wish I'd known! I definitely would have done it! Anything for some free food...haha.