Friday, October 31, 2008

blogging, back-stroke style

Hello readers & fellow bloggers.

Sorry for my absence in posting... There actually has been quite a bit going on and as a result, you're going to see a whole host of what I call "back-blogging" happening (most because I like to keep things in chronological order as much as possible). So even though these posts are actually *NEW* I'm post-dating them to have them fall in line. Hope that won't be too confusing. But don't worry I don't think too many of them will actually fall behind the 'working out is hard to do'-post. To all of you who have been awaiting my next post... brace yourselves... there's goning to be quite a few. :D

Happy Reading...
and feel free to drop me a line or two to say Hi (new and current readers alike).

In case you can't find them in the stacks, here's a link:
Up-And-Coming... I'll just post 'em as I go.

Friday, October 24, 2008

ready, set,...graduate

I had a wonderful time today shooting Anaiz's senior portraits at the gorgeous University campus. It was a bright sunshiny day that posed for some shadow issues but we worked around it and thanked the Lord for the time we got to spend together.

[to see my picks see slide-show in album]

From a senior photoshoot

Friday, October 10, 2008

a question mark!

Lucianna's birthday fell on our Friday home meeting night, so I texted the girls and we prepared a cake to surprise her. Roche bought a *question mark* for the candle count. It totally cracked Lucianna up. It was AWESOME! Here are a few photos from that night. I will have to post the video on YouTube some time and put a link here (but don't hold your breath).

It was a homemade moist Chocolate Cake. The secret ingredient was... Mayo!

Happy Birthday Lucianna! WE LOVE YOU!
...I'm really going to miss you when we move!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

all on a saturday afternoon

Erik surprised me with a game of putt-putt golf... after a hot 18-holes we set off for Whole Foods to cool down and see what we could find. They were having a little Bratwurst festival on their front patio complete with checkered tablecloths and a lady playing an accordion. We couldn't resist. Afterwards we played in the pumpkin and gourd piles for a while...

...all on a Saturday afternoon, just puttering around and playing with pumpkins.