Friday, May 13, 2011

{ww} memory

Something we found hidden away
in the trading card boxes in the closet at my folks.
My big brother collected these years ago.


[photos from phone]

A fun little memory for all those who have reaped the precious benefit of the faithful labor & prayers of our brother {ww} over the years.
It reminds me of Matthew 26 (especially the footnote on verse 8).
"The disciples considered Mary's love offering to the Lord a waste. Throughout the past twenty centuries thousands of precious lives, heart treasures, high positions, and golden futures have been "wasted" upon the Lord Jesus. To those who love Him in such a way He is altogether lovely and worthy of their offering. What they have poured upon Him is not a waste but a fragrant testimony of His sweetness."
Thank You Lord for such a gift to the Body.

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