Tuesday, May 10, 2011

ode to coconut oil

A natural, plant-based saturated fat that chefs, athletes, and beautiful people alike have found to be a good thing.

Coconut oil makes for a tender, moist cake.
It cooks up a healthy Southeast Asian stir fry.
It supplies extra energy before a race.
As a treatment it makes your skin and hair soft & smooth.

Sometime last year my friend {lg} introduced me to a healthy tasty slab of coconut oil on toast.
But it wasn't until recently that I ventured out and purchased my first jar.
Unfortunately there was a difference in the oil that I had found at Fred Meyer's.
The difference...
  • Her coconut oil actually had a coconut smell.
  • The stuff I bought was pretty much scent/tasteless.
However they both had that wonderful melt-in-your-mouth texture.

With a little research today I found:
  • Virgin Coconut Oil has the scent & taste I'm looking for;
  • Refined Organic Coconut Oil works well for cooking --- (& because of its neutral flavor, especially for baking.)
In my defense, the grocery store that I went to only had that latter, so it's what I got. But next time I'm definitely going to Whole Paycheck, er I mean, Whole Foods (or even better, I'll go together with a friend on a bulk quantity) to get that tasty virgin coconut oil.
Either way there's just something so healthy feeling about it.
Mmm for coconut oil !


woozy mizzenmast said...

I like coconut oil too. Many people still think it's unhealthy though, which is the result of bad science that became popular. Coconut oil is also really good for your skin...it helps with acne and (believe it or not) can remove warts. I had a wart on my toe and applying coconut oil took it off in just 3 days.


em said...

YEAH for Coconut Oil! :)