Monday, March 31, 2008

tee-hee: (i just couldn't resist)

I have this silly attraction to cheesy jokes. I just can't help it, they genuinely make me laugh. A special thanks to my friend Lydia who so kindly put this in a card for me years ago. I just rediscovered this card the other day while doing a little spring-cleaning. I laughed out loud and then had to read it to my DH. And now I will share it with y'all. Bear with me... and so without further ado:

A string walks into a bar and asks for a drink, but the bartender says "we don't serve strings." So the string gets sad, ties himself up and rumples his hair, then walks in the next day and asks for a drink. The bartender said "are you that same string that was in here yesterday?" to which the string replied "no, I'm a freyed knot."
Tee hee hee... If you have a favorite you'd like to share I promise I will laugh... genuinely and heartily.


Susanna said...

I LOVE IT! And have laughed out loud!

Okay...a rabbit hops into a bar and asks for a carrot. The bartender looks at him strangely and says, 'we don't sell carrots here - but you can go to the greengrocers down the road to find what you are looking for.' The next day the rabbit appears again, asking for a carrot again. The bartender gets mildly annoyed and asks the rabbit to leave. Another day passes and the rabbit comes to the bar again asking for a carrot. The bartender has had enough by now and says...'Look, we DO NOT sell leave and if you come back asking for carrots, I'm going to tie you up with some rope, hang you, and eat you for my supper. Scram!'

The next day the rabbit hops into the bar and asks the bartender...'Have you got any rope?' The bartender, causiously replies, 'no'. 'Good' said the rabbit, 'Have you got a carrot?'

em said...

:D...hee hee... thanks Susanna! :)