Monday, July 11, 2011

ambitious blogging

You'd think that not having a TV would help me be more of the blogger that I am meant to be, but no... I still am a little behind... though almost caught up... only to take a break again, I'm sure. :P But that's just how it goes.

One day, I imagine myself as a bonafide blogger. You know, one that actually Blogs for the day that she posts. None of this blogging-the-backstroke stuff. I mean, there are probably just about enough hours in a day to sit down, up load some photos, with a little blurb here and there to give my readers a delight in their google-reader. Right? Well, maybe not. Maybe I could do a week at a time. Even that might just be a little too ambitious.

For now, I guess I've just got to settle for what I do... a little here, a little there... blogging-backstroke when I realize I've fallen behind. Still, I can't thank you all enough for putting up with me. . . Your google-readers must portray me crazy (like when a new post pops up with an 'old' date). But we can still be friends, right? *wink*

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